Puppets And Stuff

150x154slugTo spotlight another resource for puppet builders try the forums found on Puppets and Stuff (puppetsandstuff.com)

In my early days of starting in puppetry I found this great community. It has been active since at least 2001, and uses the old bulletin board format for discussion and sharing.

Started by Shawn Sorrell, many talented builders and performers have shared and continue to share feedback, suggestions, builds, etc.

On this site you can find patterns, puppets of many different styles and designs, techniques, building materials, stage plans, websites, videos, books, and anything else puppetry related from around the world.

Want do a kickstart? Check with others on lessons they’ve learned. Need a puppet version of a snake? Someone did that. How to pattern a new puppet. Someones done that. Want to know what to use for arm rods they’ve got links and suggestions. Need to know where to get materials in the UK or Australia? Someone’s answered that too. Its great because of the history of content there with messages and galleries as well as an active current membership.

Some of the group has transitioned to Facebook, but still a great place to check, post a message, and check the archives.

Website: PuppetsAndStuff.com